Ikari Warriors Dust Washer

Ikari Warriors Dust Washer


This dust washer is based on the Ikari Warriors arcade control panel artwork. ----- The .stl file is for a Happ Super or Mechanical Rotary joystick (55mm outer diameter, 16mm inner diameter) with line widths sized to print with a 0.4mm nozzle. ----- The .scad file allows you to remix the washer by changing variables like line width, line length, inner diameter, etc. using OpenSCAD. http://www.openscad.org/ NOTE: To import the numbers and outer circle, you must put the .dxf file in the same folder as the .scad file. ----- The .svg (Inkscape) file allows you to scale the vector image of the numbers and outer circle then export them to a .dxf file format that OpenSCAD can import. - Install the "Inkscape-OpenSCAD-DXF-Export" Inkscape plugin from https://github.com/brad/Inkscape-OpenSCAD-DXF-Export - Open the .svg file in Inkscape - File -- Save as with a filename that indicates the desired outer diameter - File -- Document Properties (Shift+Ctrl+D) ==> Set units = mm, document size to desired outer diameter - Select image (resizing arrows visible) - Position and scale image (enter the position/size info via the Inkscape toolbar *or* Ctrl+Click+Drag the corner arrow to maintain ratio) - File -- Save - File -- Save as and select “OpenSCAD DXF Output” as the file type. - Close Inkscape.(OK to discard changes) - Open the .scad file - Go to the "// Numbers and Outer Circle" section (Lines 40-43) -- Change the X and Y values in "translate([-27.5, -27.5, 0])" to 1/2 of the new outer diameter -- Change the filename in "import(file = "Ikari_Dust_Washer_Numbers_55mm.dxf", layer="Numbers");" - Go to the "// Adjustable variables" section (Lines 13-23) -- Change the variables as desired -- Use preview (F5) to see if you need to change anything else - Once the preview looks good -- Render the part (F6) -- File -- Export -- Export as STL... - Import the new .stl file into your slicer program - Check the top layer path after slicing to be sure the fine lines aren't missing. Scott







Video Games