Logitech - Wierlesskeyboard - Wierlesscharger - guide rail
This is for a "logitech K830 wirelesskeyboard" to hold it in place for charging. To we use the electronics from a cheap wireless charger and a charging reciver (usually for smartphones that doesent have a wirelesscharging funktion). the charger itself is insert in a shelf board (wich is milled with a router) and she reciver is sticked to the bottom of the keyboard and covered with a pice of "dc fix". So we can charge the keyboard simply inside the shelf and don't have to connect a USB-cable :D nice to have ... You will need these tools: - maybe a milling router - hot glue gun - electric drill with 3mm driller (for LED indicator) And you will need the following stuff: - shelf board (or any other wich is big enough to put the keyboard on it) - charger electronic - charger reciver pad electronic (you should order two or more because some can be damaged) - dc fix (or other adhesive foil) - hot glue - USB cable with power adapter - 6 x 3 mm screws for wood