Keyguard for ZoomText V2 keyboard

Keyguard for ZoomText V2 keyboard


Last year my dad was diagnosed multiple system atrophy. It's a rare neurodegenerative disease, somewhat similiar to parkinson's desease. Unfortunately it progresses much faster and has vastly broader symptoms, including: loss of movement coordination, loss of balance, dizziness, slow and stiff movement, vocal cord paralysis up to the point when one cannot speak at all and many, many more. Disease is fatal and there is no cure. If you would like to know more about this horrible disease you will find [a good introduction on Wikipedia]( or more detailed description on [The MSA Coalition webpage]( Due to speech disorder coaused by MSA, providing additional ways of communication has became more and more important. Additionally all movement disorders have rendered normal keyboard unusable. My dad was not able to press only one key at once or even a correct one. He had been making 3-4 typos in 6-letter words. That was unreadable. Moreover, my dad is also visually impaired. There are suitable commercial solutions available to address both problems, but they are absurdly expensive, especially for the quality they offer. So I decided to make a keyguard for his keyboard. This keyguard just rests on all keys and easily withstands weight of both palms. Just strap it to keyboard with some rubber bands or a piece of flexible string. I think it is somewhat successful project. It is now very hard for my dad to press more than one key at once. Typing has also became much faster and less frustrating. I doubt that someone will need exactly this model but maybe it will provide some inspiration for all of you or your relatives, who are having problems with using keyboard due to movement disorders. This keyguard is designed to fit ZoomText V2 keyboard. If you are not sure which version of ZoomText keyboard you have, take a look at [pictured guide on ZoomText webpage]( Model has been split in half, to allow printing on somewhat standard 200x200mm bed. It is not perfect and in my opinion require some sub-mm tweaking, but if you print it in two provided pieces, it should fit just fine.






