JAFO ROLLER filament dry box and feed system for Prusa i3 MK3
9/24/2018 edited the z top end bowden connector with 6 m6 threaded holes for bowden connectors. They are also spaced properly and should avoid the z axis carriage part on your printer at max z height. I spent lots of time looking for what I wanted but never quite found it. So I created a couple things from scratch and then edited the awesome work of a few others. Some of these files are specifically for the i3 mk3 particularly the cover, cover adapter and the reverse bowden endcap. The rest of the files can be used as a standalone drybox for any other 3d printer. This is a dry box system for using multiple filament types in preparation of the mk3 multi material option I pre-ordered with my Prusa printer. Initially it was going to be a 4 filament unit that since becoming MMU2.0 got upgraded to 5. Well since I dont even have it yet I have held off on expanding my capacity. I really appreciate the bowden concept so I have heavily incorporated it in my design. The ptfe tubing I bought from amazon had both pc4-m10 and pc4-m6 connectors. This is why I use both in my design, I just wanted to use what I had on hand. I want to thank the individuals who's work allowed and inspired me to create what I have: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2825557 : Prusa i3 Mk3 Z-Tops with Reverse Bowden Mount Option by ctilley79 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2929701 : the ultimate spool holder dry box by ritchrock Sterlite 20qt Gasket Box with latches ($7.99): Target Item Number 002-02-0819 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2510947 : Filament Dry Box Tube Feeder by rainreign1 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2878333 : Prusa i3 MK3 Bowden tube adapter with spool holder and filament cleaner by 828586 I should also thank all the folks at fusion360 for offering their software for free for us little maker types. I used it for all of my solid editing and creating. a short list of the required materials: two 5/16 rods (I used aluminum I had on hand, steel would work, and so would wood dowels I imagine) 608 bearings (4 per spool) desiccant m3 screws and nuts (2 per connector on box, think all I could get was 20mm long) Sterlite 20qt Gasket Box with latches ($7.99): Target Item Number 002-02-0819 I think I got my box for under 8 bucks but at 10 it's still a steal since it does indeed seem very air tight. My system has been working flawlessly for me for about two or three months now. I did use super glue to attach the rods into the rod holders for extra stability. I added length to the legs on the holders so I could just dump the desiccant into the bottom of the box below the rollers. I created the simple spacers to keep the rollers from impinging on each other or the side of the box. Everything that has a bowden thread adapter got the threads added to the model. No force screwing adapters in, they thread in nicely. I printed everything in petg because its mostly what I use. I wouldn't foresee any problems in using different filament types. I made the JAFO ROLLER tight so I would recommend printing only one at first to test fit with your bearing, you may need to scale up a hair for ease of bearing install. Enjoy! I added the cover and cover adapter as well as the back plate for the box connectors. The only editing I did to those files was orient them for better printing.