Modified Prusa Enclosure PSU Holder - Outside Table Leg
Note from 3/2/19: I was going back over this thing to add some photos of my make and remove the "In Progress" marker. I got confused about which files were what, so I removed them all and re-added them all. So even if the files seem new, they are just the same old files. I've added photos of the up side down (USD) version of this PSU holder. I was able to use this version because I have two of the IKEA LACK enclosures on top of each other. I have not actually printed the right side up (RSU) version of this thing. ---------------- I am working on making one of these enclosures I found on My modification is that I am making the bottom table an enclosure too, for a different printer. The stack will sit on a larger, flat desktop. The original placement of the PSU holder puts it inside my lower enclosure, so I am moving it to the outside of the table leg on the lower table. Basically the opposite side of the table leg is would have been mounted to. The PSU will still be upside down, but it will be even closer to the point where the wires exit the enclosure. The is also a right side up version in case you want to try and mount it to one of the legs on the upper table. In this case there's no place to put the PSU until after you've put the enclosure over your printer, might be annoying to deal with if you plan on taking the top on and off a lot. I am not currently planning on using the right side up version, so it will be untested unless someone posts a make. **Filenames that contain "RSU" are for the power supply being Right-Side-Up, oriented the same as when mounted on the frame of the Prusa MK3. Filenames that contain "USD" are for the power supply mounted Up-Side-Down.**