Electron orbital and shell board

Electron orbital and shell board


One of the hardest parts of chemistry is understanding how electrons orbit the nucleus and fill in their shells (S, P, D, and F). On top of that you add the spin (up or down) to model uncertainty. It was hard for me to organize and process how to combine all these facets of the electron. For this I combined an orbital diagram worksheet with other orbital diagrams to show how the electrons fill in order. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPDptc0wUYI has a great video on orbitals. While you can waste paper filling out orbital diagrams, I figured a way to model the shell levels, numbers and spin into one manipulative. If you have the Photographic Card Deck of the Elements (periodictable.com) you can use the cards to help your class study, or challenge and review the elements with this board. ** THIS IS A WORK IN PROCESS ** This will require 118 (16 mm) marbles.If you can find decent quality marbles that have a consistent size, that will help. This is good for a AP Chem or College chem class. Print 2-6 sets for a class to do as a small group activity. Speed games can be developed as well to test students The lesson plan will be for sale on TeacherPayTeacher.com.






