PurpleOrangi Multicolor Logo
"Purple Orangi" is the social media name of a friend kid maker in Hong Kong. I made this design as a way to practice multi-color single head design and 3D printing. This is a good study part if you have never tried to do color changes in 3D prints before. It is good to try if you are an expert filament changer! One day you might receive this as a full-color Maker Coin at a Maker Faire! For now, it will be 3D printed and added to a HUGE WALL of public collaborators and makers in the World Wide 3D Print Community. If you want you know more about Purple Orangi: https://twitter.com/PurpleOranji https://www.instagram.com/purpleoranji https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3c8slT9jWzmLsXXdgPNdtw https://www.facebook.com/purpleoranji