Octal Dice

Octal Dice


Well, I was perusing the strange and varied world of thingiverse one day and happened upon a binary dice. Wow I thought, what a great Idea! A dice you can use for programming - but wait, what if you need to step outside the relatively simple comfort of binary into a more modern world, where there are so many 'non - binary' things . . . . . That got me thinking (never a good thing) and I wondered if anyone had considered making dice for alternative base number systems, turns out not (at least as far as I could be bothered to look). SO therefore, I present you with . . . . . . the Octal Dice! Yes, a true Octal system right in the palm of your hand, what more could you ask for? Nothing more I hear you say, but I give you not ONE fantastic new item, but TWO! Yes, you hear me right, TWO. By a simple twist of that most wondrous of things - mathematics - it turns out that I also (accidentally I might add), created a Hexadecimal Dice too! ******Gasp****** - I know, I'm amazed too. So there you go, 2 for 1, and all for free. No, thank YOU, you're welcome. :) P.S. If you don't get this then just remember, there are 10 sorts of people, those who understand binary and those who don't . . . . . . ;)







Math Art