Instant cold tea infusion straw ( magical straw )
Hi everyone ! Please read all the description. If like me you want to take care of your weight, you love to drink sodas and you want to replace sugar saturated drinks by tasty drinks, this straw is made for you ! This first version works with tetraedron tea bags. To use it, you just have to insert the string of the tea bag into the slot then pack it until it is almost solid, next enjoy your healthy drink. I can't be sure you will properly use this straw so I have to precise that you should not print and use it without the certainty that your equipment is food friendly. Use only FOOD GRADE 3D printer and filament. DON'T PAINT OR VARNISH THIS STRAW Recipe example: -press a lemon into a large glass (it allows to make easier the digestion ) -add un bit of peach sugar free syrup (optional) -add some ice cubes (optional) -add a mint leaf (optional) -insert the straw, it's ready, you don't have to wait hours to infuse the tea in the cold water. There is two kind of straws in the file, a version with a tea bag string holder and a simple one. You see the simple one in the pictures. Of course there is a huge possibilities. Good printing and take care of oceans and yourself ! I'm sorry of my English I'm a 19 years old French student !