Customizable Filament Samples
Does the world need yet another filament sampler model? Probably not. But we made one anyway. Along the way we tested out Thingiverse's new [Send to Fusion 360]( feature for adding fillets and revisited our [Blender Bake]( method for enabling OpenSCAD to add text to an existing STL file in a way that can be used in the Thingiverse Customizer. Read about it in detail at our Hacktastic post: [Filament Samples and Customizability]( Modify the model yourself in Tinkercad (before or after adding fillets) at this link: [Filament Samples and Tinkercad/Fusion Test]( Filament manufacturers: Feel free to use this model! Please remember to give attribution, and send me a message if you feel like sending some filament my way :) *** **Twitter: [](** **Hacktastic blog: [](** **Shapeways geekhaus store: [](** *This design has a [Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike]( license, which means that you can print, remix, and use this model with design credit to mathgrrl, but if you want to sell something then you should ask first, at <>.* ***