7" Raspberry Pi Standalone Console
This is a standalone console I've put together. It prints in three parts but is easily expandable. The parts are simple: Raspberry Pi 3 B+: https://www.adafruit.com/product/3775 Stereo Speaker bonnet: https://www.adafruit.com/product/3346 Speakers: https://www.adafruit.com/product/1669 7" LCD HDMI screen: http://a.co/d/aF1gxBp (this is good because it runs at 5V off USB) Plus power adapter + SD card for the Raspi M3x5 - 12 M3x18 - 4 M2.5x10 - 4 (For mounting Raspi) M2.5 nuts - 8 (For mounting Raspi) I am running Recalbox on this exclusively set up to run N64 games - but you can do whatever you want with it! Everything is set up default, nothing special required. I had to trim a bit of the HDMI cable to make the speaker fit and a 180 degree USB would work better - but other than that it's just plug and play! The plan is to eventually turn this into a fully handheld and portable N64 system. Stay tuned for that.