Wanhao / PowerSpec / Cocoon Create I3 mini y-axis bed extension

Wanhao / PowerSpec / Cocoon Create I3 mini y-axis bed extension


<h1>Warning:</h1> <h2>Mod at your own risk. This mod will require a firmware flash on the printer due to the "software endstops" that are enabled on the printer. It is a good idea to have a copy of the original firmware to fallback on.</h2> This is a y-axis bed extension for the Wanhao / PowerSpec / Cocoon Create i3 mini printers that enable the use of the entire build surface. The updated y-axis length using the original bed should give at least 225mm in total from the default 135mm. The design of this was based upon the ["Cheapus Maximus"](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2401336/), and used models from ["Wanhao duplicator i3 mini bed extension (IIP, Wanhao)"](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2950132/) There is no drilling, or power tools needed to complete this, and it can be easily reverted back to the original y-axis carriage. 3D Printed Parts Needed: <ul> <li>"y_axis_extension_front.stl"</li> <li>"y_axis_extension_rear.stl" interchangeable with MPbedbracketV3 from "Wanhao duplicator i3 mini bed extension (IIP, Wanhao)" The model included just has the extra holes filled in. <li>y-axis bed tensioner from "Wanhao duplicator i3 mini bed extension (IIP, Wanhao)" replaces the metal spring tensioner. </ul> Additional Parts Needed: <ul> <li>2 x 8mm linear rods at least 320mm long <li>longer gt2 belt <li>modified firmware </ul> Firmware: <ul> <li>The Wanhao i3 mini firmware can be found [here](https://github.com/garychen99/) The Wanhao firmware should work for the PowerSpec, and Cocoon Create models. <li>To modify the y-axis length change the variable y_max_pos in the configuration.h file to the desired value. <li>To build the .hex file the Ardiuno IDE is needed, some important notes are to set the board to the ardiuno mega 2560 board, the "Export Compiled Binary" will produce the .hex file. </ul> To upload the hex file to the printer here is a youtube video on how to do so. [video link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W5bUdRaU34)



