Mean Well LRS-350 PSU Case for Prusa i3 Bear Full Upgrade
EDIT: Please see my [UPDATED DESIGN]( --- I wanted to use a Mean Well LRS-350 power supply with my Bear upgraded MK3, so I designed this case and the included mounts. The case attaches to the frame in a manner similar to the Prusa PSU with the mounts in the Bear print list, however the "upper PSU mounts" are different (STL is included), so make sure you print those instead. The "lower PSU mount" is the same as that used for the Prusa PSU. Instead of a removable bottom, as the Prusa PSU case has, this one has a removable piece in the front. The benefit of the removable section in the front is that you can get easy access to the terminal strip for later changes. The downside is perhaps initial assembly is a little harder. I find with some needle-nose pliers, and some patience, I was able to get everything assembled without any difficulty. The top cover uses the square nuts and the smaller flat-head screws for mounting. You can re-use these from the Prusa PSU cover. The case mounts to the PSU with M4 screws. The ones in back are M4x8, and the ones on the side are M4x10. The brackets mount with M4x8 button head screws, although flat head can be used if that's all you have. Wires come out of the bottom of the case. Because the Bear mounts the PSU using side-mounted brackets, I felt the exit out the bottom would provide for cleaner wire management. The case has a hole in the left hand side of the front. This exposes the voltage adjust potentiometer, so that the PSU output voltage can be adjusted after assembly. == 2018-Sep-22 == I've uploaded a new Fusion 360 model that has a few tweaks. The primary one is that it is possible now to adjust the size and top slope angle of the plug compartment via parameters. Previously this was parameter-ized, but due to some Fusion 360 bug updating these parameters caused problems. I've also added a few other parameters, for example to control the location and size of the wire pass-through hole. The updated model is: Bear_LRS-350_PSU_Cover_R2.f3d I have not printed this out yet, so no STL just yet. == 2018-Sep-23== Fixed a misalignment issue with the brackets that i discovered after I went to assemble my Bear kit. Only PSU_upper_mount.stl has changed. ==2018-Nov-25== Those of you who grabbed the R2 version, please update. I just noticed an error where the bracket cut-out was on the wrong side of the case. This was a fairly benign error, but the case looks better with the fix. I am not sure at what point this happened, because the print I did based on an iteration of the R2 version does not have this error.