Indiana Jones: Fate of Atlantis - Stone discs (MOLD)

Indiana Jones: Fate of Atlantis - Stone discs (MOLD)


This is work in progress ================== This is a remix of the work done by lonewolf011 - I dont wanna print the discs. Instead i'll made it of plaster or clay. This remix provides respective molds, sized to 70% of the original size to be printed on a 215x215 printbed (providing space for 5mm brim). The molds are designed that the parts can be removed without destroying the mold * hopefully * (untested design ;) The molds were generated with OpenSCAD - source files in the zip file require almost all STLs from if you want to tweak them by yourself. Update 2018-09-26 =============== It was a complete fail (see two photo montages). :) Reuse of the molds seems not to be possible except if you slice them in half (better in quarter) and then fix them together before casting. The "inlay" did a good job but be extremely careful while removing it from the disc - a possible way is to cut it off carefully after the disc has fully cured (which I didnt wait for) and finally burn off the material which could not be removed For the moment I'm done, calling it a fail for me (It was my first try casting something, maybe you have the required skills & knowledge :) I'll post updates here when I come back to this "project". Update 2018-09-22 =============== The adaptive layer height feature didnt work as expected. The fine details also are a bit fragile. To easily "repair" broken molds I have split into two parts each: Shell and Inlay to be printed separately: Print the shell as you want to save printing times (my settings: 50mm/sec, 0.3mm layer height). Print the Inlays as fine as you can (my settings: 20mm/sec for walls, 50mm/sec for infill, 0.1mm layer height) I did not update the scad files yet, since work for the centerpin and base mold is not finished yet. Printed the inlays, next step is testing the worldstone mold with plaster...






