Panoramic Head / Pan-Tilt camera mount (heavy-duty) for panorama and stitch images

Panoramic Head / Pan-Tilt camera mount (heavy-duty) for panorama and stitch images


I do a lot of panorama shots and photo stitching. I always wanted a camera mount to help me shoot the source images without leaving out some spots or leaving too little overlap for the Photoshop photo stitching to work properly. I also wanted to take mosaic shots in less than ideal lighting conditions when a camera mount is needed anyways. So I designed and built one from stock components and 3d printed parts. The total cost of the parts is around $75 including the motors and all of the electronics. However, the cost doesn’t include the camera mount .. which you should already have anyway. But if not, you can pick one up from eBay for $15. The pan-tilt mechanism piggybacks on the mount itself, so you have to select a mount that is able to handle the size and weight of both your camera and the pan-tilt add-on. The mount I used has a 20mm "neck". If yours is different, only the clamps' center cutout needs to be changed. This project incudes some electronics and tinkering with motors etc ... so I included additional information here This is a work in progress, so don't hesitate to leave comments.






