LotP - heavy infantry - Sorceresses Faction
Heavy infantry crested with Sisterhood Sorceresses faction shield. Those are the bone of the Purifiers army that start on map, they fight the darkness following their leader Tonhl also in hopeless battles, if not helped soon or later they will fall to the overwhelming darkness, but till this moment, they fight! able to sustain ranged attack (with shield and medium armor) and with a sword for melee combat. They will move slowly than their light counterpart and cannot pass on forests hex. I put the stl file of them, fully equipped, with shield and weapon stl to print it, and separated items to print it and glue after the weapons. more info? seek more "Lure of the Prophets" items on thingiverse (they will be all downloadable for free) or look at: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2947995