Ceiling cup extension for ceiling lamps

Ceiling cup extension for ceiling lamps


This ceiling cup extension can be used to give more space for cables, to be mounted above the original cup for the lamp, in this case an Ikea lamp. Can also be used for mounting electronics for controlling the lamp such as Sonoff, Shelly 1, Zigbee products etc. Wall thickness 1.5mm. The original cup must be between approx. 5-10 cm in diameter to fit over the hole in the bottom. The white cup in the photo is the one with approx. 5cm height, the black one with before and after pictures is 3cm. Depending on how the lamp is hanged, you might also have to extend the arrangement that the cable is hanged on, by adding a loop of string, wire etc. to give room for the cup extension while still being able to mount the original cup through the bottom hole of the extension. Edit 2018-10-06: For the fun of it - added versions with hearts on the outside.






