Hard Drive Storage for 2.5 & 3.5 (variety in slots)
<b>2.5 case</b> holds up to 4x 2.5 HDDs (clips on the edge to secure HDDs in and not let them slip out) <b>3.5 case</b> made on various slots (2-6 slots) to print depending on your needs. There are 2 different versions, one with hollow bottom for placing an anti-slip foam, ex. eva foam as i did (2mm height or above would work), the hollow bottom will need supports and there is flat bottom version too. Also you can use another one 3.5 case as a cap over all HDDs * Designed in Inventor __________________________________ <b>If you enjoy and want to support my work you can donate me on the link below, Thank you!</b> <a href="https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/gusstheodoridis"><b><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aha999/DonateButtons/master/Paypal.png" width="35%" height="35%" alt="Donations here!"></b></a> __________________________________