Terraforming Mars Components Organizers

Terraforming Mars Components Organizers


Update 2019-10-06 - Version 2 brings major changes! - now holds both the Prelude and Colonies expansions, including a holder for the Colony tiles and tokens - new player cube and resource cube trays that have their own lids and are easier to pluck cubes from - stacked resource trays so all the cubes fit in one tray, but you can print two of each tray to have cubes on both sides of the table - New project card boxes that function as holders for the cards during the game as well NOTE: Version 1 pictures are still shown after the STL files, but all the STLs for version 1 are now in a single zip file in the files section Card and resource trays/boxes and cases to organize the components for the game Terraforming Mars. The following stls are available: - Card holder for the corporation cards and player aid cards - Card holders for the project cards - Resource trays for each of the copper, silver, and gold tokens (2 for each) - Player cube trays - Custom holder for Colonies expansion If you are looking for the player mat, there is no stl file here. check out TinkerCad for it instead at https://www.tinkercad.com/things/8fOlnP76KMs For the corners for the player mats, I use @gthanatos corners, found here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2553208 I didn't make anything new for the hexagons, but instead use the case provided by @webdad here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2328518 These organizers were made using the Customizable Board Game Organizational System! Check out the main page for CuBGOS at: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3117083



