Spider: Bowden anti-bending PFTE tube cardanic system

Spider: Bowden anti-bending PFTE tube cardanic system


This is an idea for those people having trouble with PFTE tubes bends or even twists in bowden systems. It is supposed that it will improve the angle of the tube in all the impression area due to the 3d movement of the nema motor and the extruder thanks to the cardanic system and will avoid forced angles of the tube due to this free movement of the extruding system. This way it will make the sliding of the filament smoother and will avoid extrusion problems. Due to the central position of the extruder, PFTE tube could be shorter and could be cutted more accurately to aid the filament. The rods must be adapted to make the extruder being near the center of the bed. You could design your own adaptors for the rod terminations in order to fix your printer. Here you have one of my own that could make the job if you are not familiar with 3d design. You could balance the extruder system by moving the nema17 mounting until properly situated. Use M3 screws and nuts (conical head is preferable) for the axis and 683zz ball bearings. Print one of each ring, one nema17 mounting, 8 units of 6mm rod adaptors (one for each end of the four 6mm rods) and four spacers. The Spider cardanic system was designed to fit perfectly in a 200x200 3d printer bed. Thanks to https://www.thingiverse.com/XodrateP/about from the tronxy spain telegram group: this design is based in an idea from one of his design. https://youtu.be/vY0VMRGIRgI



