Magnetic Cards Box - Draft & Discard Trays - Parametrized

Magnetic Cards Box - Draft & Discard Trays - Parametrized


You just need to print 2 of these. It's all parametrized with Fusion360 (so I included the f3d file) I already exported classic MtG boxes (50/80/100/150 cards) and MiniUSA boxes (50/80/100/150 cards) it has been created to hold 5*2 mm magnets /!\ WARNING: mind the magnets +/- positions ! easiest way to deal with it: one box has all magnets (+) on the top, the other has (-) on the top ---------------- if you want to parametrize it in fusion360, those are the parameters you want to change: - cardWidth (for now it's a shortcut to MtGWidth) - cardLength (for now it's a shortcut to MtGLength) - cardAmount - magnetHeight & magnetDiam if you use other magnets - add .2mm to diameter and .1mm to height - cardThickness is set to 300microns, classic MtG thickness if you need to change the height depending on the sleeve thickness: - sleeveThickness - - for now it is set to 100 microns, fits most of "premium" kind of sleeves - - for standard, set it at 50 microns (mos of the times) Don't touch other parameters (especially the calculated ones like the tangent) PS: cards box idea comes from this design:



