Baseball Display Case
A simple baseball display case that has a slot for a name plate as well. Only saw holders and I wanted a full box!! Print in 2 pieces as to not need supports, otherwise solid full box would be a support nightmare and wouldn't recommend at all. Slots can be filled with 1/8" thick Glass, Acrylic, Wood, or whatever you want. Each piece is 3.5" (90 mm) x 3.75" (97 mm) for the 4 "windows". (recommend a mm or 2 less for easier fit) I got mine at Ace hardware, cut and all for .03 cents a square inch. Really cheap. If you want glass instead, they have cheap glass for .02 cents a square inch. Or go to a glass shop for more expensive stuff, up to you. Name plate should be 1/8" thick as well and less than 70mm wide, then whatever material you choose to plate it. I recently built a CNC machine (MPCNC) so will probably have a wood look. Designed a quick printable blank name plate that'll slide into the slot for those who do not have a way of creating one outside of 3D printing. Started printing with wood, will update photos once its printed