JDO Apple Watch Stand (series 1-7) plastic and metal charger compatible

JDO Apple Watch Stand (series 1-7) plastic and metal charger compatible


------- *Update 2021 11 December* - included a design for the metal charger - original design is for the plastic charger - added a hole to easily remove the charger. Also included a paperclip pocket below the lid to keep the paperclip at hand when the need arrives to remove the holder. *Update 2019 23 October* Added a logoless version of the stand. ------- I've printed out some of the other amazing stands on thingiverse but none of them were perfectly suited for the new Apple Watch series 4/5 (44mm). Therefore I decided to design my own stand and behold the result here. The stand has a lid on the bottom. This serves two purposes: 1. it hides the cable in the stand 2. it hides the lower quality print caused by the support structure to print this thing. Note: to release the charger once pushed in the stand, simply take a wooden skewer and stick it up through the bottom behind the charger and push it out. Note2: Don't slide the lid in fully at once, slide it in 10% and pull it out, then 20% and pull it out, etc. This smoothens the support surface and allows the lid to slide in and out easily.






