Antennas clip
A clip for your short wave antenna when on Vacation. All you need to finish is a 3mm pin ( a nail) and a spring of some sort to complete the project. I will experiment with a plastic spring design later. Well I mad a spring out of a battery contact spring. I cut it off the spring then stretched the coil in a vice with a pair of pliers. I then wound the wire into a 4mm nail and bent the ends back onto it self to make a larger contact area. The tricky bit is getting the spring in. I used a smaller nail to hold the spring in position. the top jaw is then carefully place in position one side first then pressing the hinge pin through. It worked for me. see how creative you can be. The last photo is the clip in action on my vacation in Phuket, Its getting hammered by tropical monsoon down pours and pool cleaners. A bit of Tropic SWL is the go!