Plastica Skimmer Weir - v3

Plastica Skimmer Weir - v3


Alternative to Plastica part EPF770630. The raised nodules are designed to take a cut of 10-15mm of pool noodle in order to keep the part raised to the level of the water. This is my third iteration on this design. The first didn't have enough buoyancy and the second had arms that were too weak in the long term at the attachment point. This third version is also long enough not to swing outward during the backwash, which does cause a slight banging sound, which could be fixed by printing a couple of small attachments in flexible material. However, the noise is minor and we haven't felt the need to go further. I printed this in PLA, thus saving about £68 over the cost of buying two original weir flaps. While you might expect PLA to degrade in the pool, the skimmer baskets I designed haven't degraded at all in over a year. Also, they're cheap enough to reprint should that be an issue. The picture shown is from version 2, which I never published due to weakness, but should give the idea of how the pool noodle should be cut. The bumper is intended to be printed from flexible filament. This dulls the noise when the weir hits the skimmer surround. I printed 4, 2 per weir.



