GBxCart RW v1.2b Case
My housing for my GBxCart RW v1.2b: Case might fit other variants but I don't know enough to be sure. I believe it should fit all variations of the 1.2 hardware and, with slight modification, the 1.1 hardware. I don't think it will fit the 1.0 hardware but feel free to prove me wrong. You may have to adjust it slightly for your switch as mine was slightly crooked but I made the hole a bit generous. Additionally, I had to trim the pins on the bottom and make them flush or the bottom would not fit. I printed the bottom housing as-is and the top housing upside-down. The bottom housing just snaps on to the circuit board but the top housing I attached with hot-glue. I just used three globs on the bare spots of the PCB (and not on any components!). Depending on your nozzle size, print at 0.1 or 0.2 mm height. Any larger or any size inbetween might mess up the fit and require customization. Initial layer can be anything if the bottom is printed rightside-up and if the top is printed upside-down. I'd recommend the file with the labels since you can't really see the silkscreen through 1mm of material, but I've also included a file without just in case you want to do your own thing. edit: I redrew this model (v2) in fusion 360 (previously created in tinkercad) in preparation of a shell for GBxCart 1.3 shells. The fit is the same as the previous version and the print should be pretty much the same as well. All the dimensions are the same except that the tolerances on the switch hole are tighter. The corners are rounded because I like fillets so the original may print better. Need a case for GBxCart RW v1.3? See here: