Ziggy Handlink

Ziggy Handlink


Oh Boy! An attempt at the Ziggy Handlink communicator used by Al in the later seasons of Quantum Leap. Sometimes referred to as the Gummi bear device, handlink, or wristlink, it's the little remote control thingy that told Sam the probabilities of his mission goals. I've made each set of colors a specific height with 2 mm separation. There are 5 different color layers in all. For my pictured print, I used translucent PLA, starting with clear, then switching to light blue at 6.5mm z height (layer 20 at .33mm resolution), then red at 8.5 (layer 26), dark blue at 10.5 (layer 32), and yellow at 12.5 (layer 38). The model shared is 57mm x93mm by 14mm high, but if you change the x and y scaling independantly of the z, you can make it any size while keeping the same color change points. **While I am happy to share the things I design here for people to print for their personal collections, please do not make them to sell.**






