jack point adapters for BMW vehicles

jack point adapters for BMW vehicles


Tested with PLA at 60% or greater densities and 0.4 - 0.6 mm nozzles. Usage: - Print body - If your jack tool/stand has a non-flat end, you can then design and plug an adapter to the body (or use one of the provided ones). Provided adapters: - Renault adapter: usable with some manual 80's renault jacks, and probably lots more - Jack stand adapter: usable with this model: http://amzn.eu/d/i5yDF6Q - 3 different electric jack adapters: usable with this model (and its different accesories): http://amzn.eu/d/3QzAw3V - Rubber adapter: this is a third layer, it goes on top of the electric adapters, softening their edges so they don't cut into whatever rubber pad you may be using. Barely tested, probably needs redesigning some reinforcement to survive. Print renault and jackstand adapters on their side (no need for supports), there's a built in margin to allow insertion into the body even if the printing is not perfect.






