ReP_AL Core XY 3D Printer Small

ReP_AL Core XY 3D Printer Small


Basically a smaler version of the CORE XY Printer I designed before. It uses all the same parts except for the Z axis bed carraige which is shorter. This design takes a heat bed up to 250x250mm Also added some bearing spacers (you can also use metal washers) and modified the Alu profile set up to give the Z axis more travel and get it closer to the extruder tip. Top and botom Alu profile on the Y axis is rotated 90° (flat). Again the Alu profile is tapped and screwed together. Alternatively you can use brackets or blocks in the corners. Alu 2040 profile X direction 345mm long (4 off) Alu 2040 profile in Y and Z directions 380mm long (8 off) Tip: for the motors, rails, cables etc I bought a cheap Tronxy P820M printer from eBay for about $120. Then used the parts. I think this is cheaper than buying them individually and the rails etc fit to this design. (they do need to be cut to length using a disc grinder) Please check out my website at for parts and build instructions







3D Printers