GluePot for Contact Cement

GluePot for Contact Cement


This thing will hold glue(contact cement) for leather-working projects. I have seen these pots sold online for $40 and thought that was a bit too much. So what do I do...I design and print my own! ;) I created 3 different stoppers for the pot. I figured you could use any number of different types of brushes, so you would need a few different stopper designs. I made a rectangle cutout in one of the designs in order accommodate normal chip brushes, but figured out that I needed to cut down the handle on the brush just a bit. \\ Updated 2018.10.10 \\ Version 2 - I noticed when I was printing the top of the GluePot that the dimensions of the spout seemed to large. So I updated the GP Top to a Outer width of 40 mm and an inner width of 35 mm. I also had to update the stoppers to fit the new dimensions. All new Version 2 parts have "40mm" in the title.



