12mm D6 Container with lid
Just a simple container that holds up to 36, 12mm dice. Has a plain lid and iron warriors lid (logo done by Kombatunit). The logo lid is slightly taller (1mm) than the plain lid. With the lid on the container it should be 55mm tall so it's Dice are stacked 3 x 3 x 4(layers), so if you want to hold less dice you should be able to simply trim 12mm off the top for each layer of dice you don't want, or increase for more. Still need to test print the lid but the box printed fine. Hoping the lid is tight enough to hold itself on. Might add more lids with other factions. Small update: I've printed the lid and will need to make some adjustments. I'll need to add a beveled edge to the lids and top of the container so it goes on easier. Right now the lid is just to tight and quite difficult to put on and take off. EDIT Oct-05-2018:added V2 of the box, lid and a Black Templar lid. They now have a slight bevel on the lips so the lid is easier to put on. If the box is a little tight with the lid just give each side a little sanding.