Bottle Saucer

Bottle Saucer


I don't like it, when everywhere in the bathroom greasy prints of oils and other cosmetic fluids can be seen or - more worse - when I reach into it. Over a long period of time, we used thin washcloths as a mat for all that bottles and tubes, which, however, had to be changed regularly. Remedy does now the bottle saucer. These are attached at the bottom and fit tight. The shape and the recessed sponge (any kind of absorbent cloth) on the bottom of the saucer ensure that no more liquids run down to the surfaces. Different prints in height allow you to put them closer together, different colors give the whole extra pep. And even if only I found the idea great after the first print - in the meanwhile we both like them quiet a lot. :-) I attached some stl files as examples. But because there are so many different sizes, I made it customizable. Just take your caliper, make some measurement, enter these values in the Customizer on your personal needs and print that out. Todo: Possibility to choose from different shapes. eg an ellipse.






