Eye Socket

Eye Socket


## Overview ## This is a holder for the [Adafruit OLED Breakout Board - 16-bit Color 1.5"](https://www.adafruit.com/product/1431) and the [40mm Convex Plastic Lens](https://www.adafruit.com/product/3917) to create animated eyes using a Raspberry Pi. See https://learn.adafruit.com/animated-snake-eyes-bonnet-for-raspberry-pi/ for the full project. ## Print Settings ## Printed on Flashforge Creator Pro with 2mm layers, 30% fill using Flashprint. Fill can be as low as 15%. I used black PLA to make it easy to hide the holders behind a mask, inside a pumpkin and so on. The bed was heated to 60 degrees and the extruder temperature was 207 degrees. ## Assembly ## The 40mm lens will snap securely into the back side of the cover. Place the OLED board face up in the base and and place the cover over the base. The base and cover are rectangle (not a perfect square) so make sure they are aligned properly. I used **M2 x 12mm Pan Head** screws to attach the cover to the base. Thread the screws through the top cover so they go in straight. Ensure they pass through the breadboard holes and then thread them into the base. ## Tinker with the Design ## This thing was made with Tinkercad. Edit it online https://www.tinkercad.com/things/8GZBhdYkTx6 The mask was $0.89 at Walmart. https://youtu.be/sSXIacQyeHY







3D Printing