Carcassonne Inserts
All of the Carcassonne expansions and the base game in the base box + one expansion box, neatly organized! These are tile trays for the various expansions and tile sets for Carcassonne. The most important thing to check before making these for yourself is the total height of the tiles in your set. I've found that between different expansions and printings the tiles are different thicknesses. Check the table below to see if your tiles match. I've added a 0.07" buffer to the total height of the tiles in the set. If you have tiles of different height or an expansion I don't have, let me know the dimensions and I might be able to add one for you. Walls/Floor: 0.0625" thick Inner Width: 1.8625" Inner Length: Measured Thickness of All Tiles + 0.07" Total Part Height: 1.0625" SET MEASURED NOTES Base 5.42" Starting Tile Removed E1 1.40" E2 1.84" E3 2.36" E4 1.43" E5 0.93" E6 0.78" E8 0.93" E10 1.72" Extra 1.17" Scoring Tiles, Abby Tiles, King, Robber, & Start Tile R1+2 1.72" Includes R1 start tiles, might want to separate these With enough expansions I finally had to use one of the expansion boxes to hold all of the meeples and game pieces. I removed part of the base box insert but I wanted to keep the center piece with the game logo. I store extra tiles under that logo.