Volume Wheel for AudioEngine A2+ Powered Speakers
I love the crisp, rich sound of the uncompressed USB Audio coming from the powered AudioEngine A2+ speakers, it's on board DAC is excellent. However, the small form factor means the volume on/off control is around the back, hard to reach, and given how loud these speakers can get, prone to leaping up too high as you try and adjust the volume a little. What I wanted was an easy to reach way to adjust the volume - I took the speaker apart, but the volume potentiometer was buried deep and glued in, I would probably destroy the unit trying to bring it out, or worse still, compromise the sound. I designed a clip on wheel for the volume control, and 3D printed it. The USB connector is right underneath the volume control, but, with a 2 ring wheel and a single spoke, it's possible to move the control across its full range and still have the USB plugged in. (It obscures the analog inputs, but I don't use them) Solved. Please share pictures of your prints, it makes the designers day!