Purge Bucket
Designed to prime and clean my nozzle before a print on my HEVO. I also added the Fusion 360 file for the bracket so you can change the spacing for your specific bed setup. The bracket is designed to fit 2020 extrusion. Holes are for M3 screws. I used the head of my old toothbrush in the brush holder. A request was made for my starting gcode, I will post it but you will have to modify to work with your own printer. G28 ; Home all G0 F9000 X95 ;Move over bucket G92 E0 ; ZERO EXTRUDER LENGTH G1 F250 E20 ; Extrude 20mm G92 E0 ; ZERO EXTRUDER LENGTH G4 S6 ; Dwell 6 seconds G0 F9000 X150 G0 F9000 X100 G0 F9000 X150 G0 F9000 X100 G0 F9000 X150 G0 F9000 X100 G0 F4000 X150 https://youtu.be/hNJn4FGmw4w