Rotary Tool Fix and Handle

Rotary Tool Fix and Handle


So I found this old rotary tool on my shed and it had no collet, so I couldn't put any bits on it. WHAT SHALL I DO? BUY A NEW COLLET? NOOOOOPE BRO! I GOT A 3D PRINTER!! So I designed these 3 parts to fit together and make the rotary tool take a Hex-to-Drill-Chuk adapter I had laying around, with a bearing holding it so it won't wobble. Works like a charm. Also added a handle because why not. 1.- Attach "HexChuckRotary1 v1" to the rotary tool's shaft. 2.- Attach "SujetadorDrillChuck1" covering it, and screw it on the case (If it has the required grooves). 3.- Attach the handle on top of the "SujetadorDrillChuck1". 4.- Profit Now, you got a hex shaft on the rotary tool so you can use whatever hex bit you want, and if you got the hex to drill chuck adapter, then you got everything covered! Feel free to post pretty pictures. Thanks. Bye.






