Flowey The Flower (exact pixel to pixel)
This is a pixel to pixel exact replica of Undertale's Flowey The Flower. pixels are 2mm by 2mm by 2mm and half pixels are 2mm by 2mmm by 1mm this should be a nice easy print for most 3d printers. (I used a Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus) It would be kind of interesting to see a dual color version of this design (Idea for a remix...) Some areas of Flowey are black , so I had no idea where to put the half-pixels, (Between Flowey's Head and Neck) So I decided to put them where I thought they could go. I think Flowey came out rather well. (Hopefully) Image of final print coming out soon. Hope everyone likes it... I Might make a Napstablook model...