Climbers Chess

Climbers Chess


You can only move 1 space when at the bottom other moves are P=GH dependant openscad file included you will need overrides.scad (or replace with cyliders of face($fn=4)) 6sided is with holes for pegged defender version of chess LONGER EXPLAIN: Potential is equivalent to your starting position (against gravity), in this case the higher your are on the board the more potent you are. eg. Castle on the right can move to 8thpos on left ,but Castle on the left can only move to 7thpos on the right Pawn can do usual first move 2 blocks to the bottom: But can HIT angleways of 2 aswell. Bishop behaves just like castle (potential height rule) eg. Left Bishop CANNOT reach the back end of the opponents board from home position in 1 move, right bishop can. Queen doesn't follow the rules and king is usually tired. (same rules) Horse: style 1: Plays as if on flat land. style 2: Follows the rules of mountains (uphill) (cannot do vertical L move of 2 length up hill) style 3: L Shape is position dependent (ie in valley its just a 45 degree move (L 1x1) (river crossing) style3b: only the river makes moves 1x1 - horse can jump out of river uphill. style 4: L shape is position dependent but now bottom of valley is flat land and open, so can do 2x1 L move, on hills it can only do 1x1 up, down hill is usual 2x1. style 5: Horse on drugs: behaves with potent - can do L move 7x8, 6x7, 6x8 etc WITH PEGGS: Peggs are defenders, 6 board required. Peggs are the ghosts of old wars, here to help the king and queen. You get 4 pegs each. They start on the right of the board at the top of the mountain behind the pawns. You can choose to move a defender at anytime except in check Defenders cannot defend the queen. Defenders ONLY defend from the 45 degree attacks Horse and castle are therefore excluded and and kill past a defender. Queen can only kill straight on and not from angle if defender is in the way. Styles: Defender count - if you play with just 1 defender game will run faster. 4 defenders and its possible to split the board in 4 moves and game will run for very long time. Leaving 4 defenders at top of the hill will also result in a very long game time. Letting the pawns move backwards: can kill a defender. Pawn to back end of board can promote a defender. (or ALL defenders lost!) ColorLess defenders - both players can move defenders. 4 or 3 player chess or chess vs defenders and pawns (7-8of only) 4 or 3 player Explain: This is actually a very interesting game..... 3rd (and 4th player) are commanders of the Defenders. They mustn't tell the chess players who they want to win. They mustn't tell the other (4th player) who they want to win. at the end of the game they shouldn't tell who they wanted to win either. This is like the poker version of chess. The defender players have secretive ghostly dominion over the game. 9x8 board would include a god peice and a devil peice. placed in the ninth top row of "Fairer Chess" The devil jumps like an angled horse (bishop 2x1 45 degree moves) God behaves like the Queen There would be 2 games: the chess players. The Pegged Defender players. A pegged defender player can win by checking God. They check God by utilising the Chess players moves. The chess players now have the option of CHOOSING a side. Note: with 4 players game should run quite quick 4 player flat land traditional pegged could also be a game. peggs have been included.... of course everything will need sanding and painting.







