UAE The Ultimate Android Emulator Game Console

UAE The Ultimate Android Emulator Game Console


I wanted to make an all playing handheld console of course there are several designs wich work with the raspberry pi, but at the moment the raspberry pi isn't good enough at emulating n64 games or ps1 games, so I though about wich device could do this and of course the smartphones have increased in power alot the latest years. I had a samsung S6 laying around wich has an oled screen and ordered a bluetooth gamepad. This worked really well but I still wanted something that looked like a real game console so I designed this enclosure for it. it only works with this gamepad and a samsung s6 smartphone but it can be modified to work with other popular phones also. So if you have a suggestion of other smartphone I can modify it. Let me know! <h2>Consoles you can play and Emulators</h2> To play you need to install the emulators from the google playstore. Here are the names. Right now it can play: N64 MEGAN64 PS1 ePSXe Dreamcast Reicast psp PPSSPP MAME MAME4DROID NES Nostalgia SNES Superretro16 GAMECUBE Dolphin GAMEBOY My Oldboy GBA My Boy NDS DrastiC Sega Genesis MD.emu All android games <h2>Parts used</h2> Bluetooth gamepad: you have to take it apart so you can install the electronics in the enclosure. -IPEGA PG-9017S <h3>Phone used</h3> -Samsung galaxy s6 <h3>Tools</h3> A small drill bit for the screw holes (1mm) Hotglue gun <h3>Extra's</h3> -You can re-use the tiny screws from the controller -hot glue <h2>Print instructions</h2> Print the back button 2 times







Video Games