Compact Bltouch/Aero (CR-10/Ender 3)

Compact Bltouch/Aero (CR-10/Ender 3)


I really liked the original and the remix of this Aero mount for my CR-10, the one thing i didnt like was the fan mount so I cut it off and added a quick wire mount. I use this part fan for my Aero and it works great all printed in PETG I also like to cool down my stepper and I use my remix found here I have also added some firmware for the CR-10 using the Th3d Titan with a Bl Touch, thanks to the original author "Denis31470" for the baseline from I updated the firmware fixed it to use English and work with this mount and the TH3d Titan, also redid the original probe placements to work better to avoid the clips and get a good spread on the bed for the CR-10.(Firmware does have Thermal Runaway protection enabled) Please check out the original for wiring. (if you don't know how to compile firmware, you can find the .hex file complied in the Marlin Folder) 10/11 added my Simplify3d profile to use with Direct Drive and the Bl-touch Pictures of cube done with this firmware and this profile 10/11 added my Slic3r PE profile for the CR-10 for Bl-Touch/Aero direct 10/17 added update to Compact Aero. removed the wire attachment on top as it kept breaking 11/1/ added an updated version (v.3) cleaned it up added another notch for a better way to get to the underneath of the bltouch. made the man part thinner for the fan mount. 1/29/19 added the firmware for the Ender 3 Ttian Aero to use with this model 1/29/19 added the z-offset settings to set the offset for the bltouch 2/14/19 CR-10 added Marlin 1.1.9 the last picture is what the original looked like assembled before i made this remix, you can see the reason for it. Thanks to the original authors of both of these items my CR-10 is working great



