THRmAL Handheld Thermal Viewer (Thermal Handheld Rendering meets Additional Lasers)

THRmAL Handheld Thermal Viewer (Thermal Handheld Rendering meets Additional Lasers)


THRmAL (Thermal Handheld Rendering meets Additional Lasers) is a handheld, low resolution thermal viewer, utilizing the Panasonic GridEYE thermopile array. It features a color OLED display, semi-modular design, and four lasers which mark the corners of the sensor's field of view. I originally built it to check how even the heating is on printer beds, but it's also useful for checking PC thermal performance, finding hot spots on devices, and many other applications. I built it with as many parts from my parts drawer as I could, so certain aspects of the electronics are suboptimal (such as the use of a 5V microcontroller). If you plan on making this yourself, and you don't have the same parts lying around I did, you might want to substitute the Arduino Nano with a 3.3V microcontroller, and remove the level shifter and 3.3V voltage regulator from the design. STEP and Eagle files are available so that you can tweak the entire design to match whatever parts you have on hand. I'd recommend measuring your parts and checking the STL files before printing anything, in case you need to make any adjustments.






