Aldi Gardenline 20m reel hose mount

Aldi Gardenline 20m reel hose mount


I bought a Gardenline 20m reel the other day from aldi in Aus, but wanted a 2nd mount so i could use it out front, and out back, the reel itself just uses a giant pin to hold it to the wall mount, so all i had to do is remodel it, this is my 3rd fusion 360 model, am starting to get the hang of it a little, WAY WAY WAY better than sketchup (but i still find myself using it for really small basic things as its faster imo) anyways, remodeled in fusion with 2 models, a shorter version, for printers limited to 150mm height, and a full size/height model for printers capable of it, the short model is about 143mm or so, so a little short of the 150mm, and i ended up finding out i could have to about 150mm, but neither here nor there really, less stick out, less load on the end of the print. full size is bout 175mm. Am quiet surprised about the match the X3d grey filament is to the original gardenline grey. enjoy! make sure u print it with THICK walls, check out my print settings.



