Probably the 'best' lazy owners antisnag cnc Beer ends, with through-extrusion cable guarding and an annoying AOLchat logo, in the Thingiverse :oD It's a mess of dodgy cleanup underneath, with plenty of comedy poo-errors for you to enjoy, or fix yourself xx It needs no screws, but has cutouts if you want to use them. No support, the lugs are cut-away underneath to print without it. No need for rafts or brim, it prints at 3shell with 1% infill, gap filling at 0.2mm In around 40 minutes, using about 2metres of filament. There's a thing somewhere, different kind of thing you might like Here >> www.AOLchat.co.uk << Unlike the Eagle Beak style of antisnag, This shorter version doesn't invite premature wear and spreads contact with the cables when it happens. The open sides save plastic, guard cables and let you route from either side, through the centre of 40x40 extrusion. There are 2 pre-sliced gcode things in the buck3t. One for the FINAL bar end, with horizontal cutouts... and one for the BEST, with full cutouts and the top logo. The top surface is at 10degrees, should you want to tinker a bit and chop the lettering off xx I'll put a load of photos up, including my complete Printer settings - and the 200% infill overlap and 90degree 'self-bridging' infill I use for strong 3shell prints. But leaves gooey seams on smaller parts (sliced at 100% overlap for this one) Ok, nuff BS from me - enjoy xx uCH