Sodastream Easy - repair

Sodastream Easy - repair


My sodastream got broke... i think this might be the most frequent reason. You can find this problem with the broken plate for the locking pin, everywhere in the internet. Ok... got a printer, so i can print a new lever... but why exchange a big thing, when there might be a easier and faster solution? What to do. 1. Glue the broken part with some superglue, meanwhile print this litte helper. 2. Remove the locking pin carefully by pressing it out to one side. 3. Mount the glued lever, and press in the locking pin 4. Push the helper from the back on the lever. 5. you can add some glue to keep the helper in place, but this is not really necessary. 6. use the Sodastream Have fun! If you don't trust the glued part, you can user a longer locking pin to use the holes of the helper too.






