Pumpkin Head by BSGMiniatures - REMIX
REMIX from https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2605388 Update: i recommend having z hop turned on when not using supports. one of my pumpkins failed just above the eyes because i didnt have z hop on so i did a remix of the sorting hat which covers up the failed portion of the pumpkin the halloween 3 skulls model can be found under the files section in my 3 skulls model on thingiverse i wanted a big version of BSGMiniatures' Pumpkin Head (Halloween) model so i can use it as a halloween pumpkin with a led candle in it. so i used meshmixer to remix the file. i made a few version to download. watch out for the blocky versions they can make ur printer shake a bit. All files should print without support but pls dont take my word on this because they have not been fully tested yet ALL CREDIT goes to BSGMiniatures (Antal Kéninger): https://www.thingiverse.com/BSGMiniatures/designs Antal Kéninger pls contact me if u want the files so that u can post them under ur profile;)