hobby knife cap

hobby knife cap


hey. have a hobby knife, lost the cap. haven't we all. Printed a cap from here, was nice. Lost that one too. so I made my own. It's similar to many others, but i made mine ridged, for his or her pleasure. that is, so that it's easier (more pleasurable) to pull. it's a little tight, might want to print 2-3% bigger. 100% worked on mine, made of ABS but it's tight - it's not going to slip out on it's own. print as is in the STL (laying down, so the parts that grab on the handle won't split due to the force being put along the layers), no need for support, but you'll definitely need some sort of skirt to make certain the part sticks to the bed. ABS is probably better than PLA because of it's flexibility, but I don't think PLA is a bad choice, especially printed in the right direction to make the layers give the part the strength in the plane it needs it. If you like it, like it, you're not selling your soul here, it's an easy click. it'll encourage me to make more crap and post it.






