Extreme CR10 Fang Cooling V2.2

Extreme CR10 Fang Cooling V2.2


Manifestly adequate cooling! 2 x 40mm blower fans, properly ducted provides ENOUGH cooling. Not too much. Just enough. Anything less is not (enough). Modified to take Microswiss all metal hotend as well. * Bilateral radial fans for enough cooling. * All 40mm fans for small profile. * Only 26g for the base and both ducts. * 3 point attachment to back plate for zero movement. * Designed to throw as much air at the problem, as fast as possible. * Use at low power for quiet operation and plenty of cooling. * Fans mounted low and close to reduce twisting moments. Heatblock Insulation As the cooling ducts are quite close to the heat block, I recommend you insulate you heatblock to some degree. I have a silicon sock wrapped in insulation but you may not need to go to such extremes. Upgrades Both the blowers and base have been improved and should both be upgraded. Added assembled stl Updates in V2 - Base model fixed (parts properly combined) - Brace bar extended by 0.5mm to close the gap. - Cold end cooling fins more exposed for better heat dissipation. - New ducting closes off half the 30mm opening (in the fans I use) and gives the rest a direct path to the exit. Much more effective. New in V2.1: Very minor edits. * Top of base removed for better access to bowden tube connection at hotend. * Length of brace corrected. * Blower mounts strengthened. * Holes in blower mounts increased to allow bolts to freely move and achieve a positive connection with the base. New in V2.2 * Back of base shape changed so that it no longer wraps the hotend. * 40mm fan holes shortened for cleaner tapping (enables the tap to go right through). * Back plate re-measured and brace position and length modified. Finally happy. * A gap in the brace has been added to allow any support material to be removed. * Blowers moved up by 1mm for better part clearance. * Overall mass reduced (marginal gains people). After the Dark Night cometh the Red Dawn https://www.thingiverse.com/jshelley/collections/the-dark-night



