Hydroponic system  with bottle feeder

Hydroponic system with bottle feeder


__________ <big> <b><font color=red>Please consider clicking the "I made one" button and sharing pictures of your print ^^ If you like my work give me a like, it means a lot to me. __________ __________ <big> <b><font color=red>Work in progress / print at your own risk __________ 1-Germination : Fill water till the conical portion in the fill hole is covered with water. __________ 2-Growing: When roots are long enough you can add the water + nutrients. Water will self level around 6mm under the pot so only the roots are toutching the water __________ Walls are thick to prevent leakages and light coming in Be prepared! it's a long print (15h with my settings) the bottle thread is PCO1881 choose wisely the filament type (pla will decay) 50mm diameter and 60mm tall pot for rock wool or clay pebbles it might be a good idea to use black filament and paint the bottle black to avoid algae grow in the water *It might also be used with some soil in (without the pots) (I'm not a gardener at all i just had this idea while watching "Jeb gardener's" videos on YouTube. If you don't know him you should definitely check his channel it's awesome!) <br><br><br><Center><big><big><b> If you like my work <a rel="nofollow" href="http://paypal.com/paypalme/maxdarkdog"><img src="https://hasutsuki.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/buy-me-a-coffee-with-paypal.png" alt="Buy me a coffe with PayPal"></a><br><br><br>



