Scythe Legendary Organizer (fits ALL expansions and add on's Including Rise of Fenris)

Scythe Legendary Organizer (fits ALL expansions and add on's Including Rise of Fenris)


*Warning: This may contain spoilers for Rise of Fenris so proceed at your own risk* Well after i made everything fit in the standard box, they released Rise of Fenris, then my wife bought me the Legendary Box. I did design/remix a set for the standard box that doesn't fit the RoF expansion but fits everything else here: This organizer fits all the expansions and add on's. There are many ways it will fit, just play with it and find the way you like it the most. I posted a pic of how i will store it. Also i hope i left enough space to include the upcoming encounter expansion card pack but without actually having the pack in my hand i didn't really know how much space to leave. Fits all of the following: - Base game - Invaders from Afar - Wind Gambit - Rise of Fenris - Board extender - All metal coin (including the 2 and 50) - Realistic resources -I made 2 different Fenris Faction boxes 1 long and one wide so you can pick which you would prefer. - I have 6 Automa decks so i can play with a full board if i want to, if you do not have more than 1 automa deck you do not need to print the Automa deck holder. All you need is the card holder, there is enough space to fit the Automa deck and the objectives in the same slot. - Also i may make lids for all the card holders, i designed them so i could if i wanted to later, but we will see on that. Update: 10.16.18 just realized i forgot to put a finger hole in the RoF piece holder on the Tesla slot. I have removed the old file and replaced it with one that has the finger hole so you can get the card out without tipping it upside down. - Update 11:25 am CST - made a mistake while putting in the finger hole for Tesla, forgot to move the word "Dice" from the dice holder. File has been updated. Sorry about that. - Update 10:12 pm CST - Printed the unit box, it worked great and everything fit, but the wall on the short side where you insert the lid was not equal to the other walls. This does NOT effect the function of the box but it bothered me that it was not as sturdy as the other walls. I extended the box .74mm so all walls are the same width. I replaced the files with the correct adjustment. This change is represented by 3.1 after the lid and box files (excluding Fenris). Update 10/17/18: 11:22 am CST - Printed the RoF pieces holder adjusted some of the finger holes so it is easier to grab things, and adjusted some of the words so they look a little better. - 1:38 pm CST- Put the resource Logo on the resource Lid and the word resources. Does not change the functionality, just makes it a little nicer. I am keeping the original file there, the new one will be "Resource Lid w/logo" Update10/18/18 8:55pm CST - i printed the RoF expansion pieces box and everything fit except the infrastructure mods and it was really hard to get some stuff out. I expanded the infrastructure mods slot and some other to make it easier to get things in and out. - also i have 4 faction boxes printed and all the card holders. I only have the resource box, the reprint of the Rof box, and 5 more faction boxes left to print. Will post pics soon. Update 10/20/18 2:00 am CST - somehow the scaling on the resource lid logo got weird, when i printed it, it just didn't look right. I found the issue and fixed the scaling of the logo on the resource lid. i have the last faction box and the reprint of the resource lid printing now, all i will have after these two will be the RoF pieces box and ill be done and then post pictures. This project should be completed tomorrow, well i guess late this evening early tomorrow morning. thanks for hanging in there with me. Update; 10/20/18 11:21 am CST - The resource lid was giving me all sorts of trouble, it wasn't fitting correctly so i shrunk it by .2 mm and it works great now. Update 10/21/18 11:25 am CST - IT IS FINISHED! everything fits and functions just like it is supposed to. See pictures to see how i store the set. The great thing about this set with this box is you can pretty much store it however you want to. Thanks for hanging with me and enjoy! Update 11/1/2018 - As mentioned before i created the card holders to where i could design a lid for them later, after taking a break from the project i went ahead and made the lids for the card holders and they fit like a glove. See updated files for the lids for all the card holders. Update 1/29/2019 - I got a new printer for Christmas the Geeetech A10M which has dual extrusion. I am currently working on a 2 color lid, will post soon when finished. I may post it on a entirely new thing since this one is getting to be rather large. the lids were inspired/remixed from: - Designed by: - Hohyss: The resource holder and the coin holder are both from other people: Resource Holder - designed by NickNitro - Coin Holder: - Designed By Fringe -






